SRM 644 1 500 MakingTournament

Problem Statement

It has been decided that a big tournament-style programming contest is going to take place in the wolf country! Wolf Sothe is in charge of choosing the tournament bracket.

There are N competitors, numbered 1 through N. The tournament will have exactly K rounds. In each round, some of the competitors will drop out of the tournament and some will advance. The competitors who advance from round K are the winners of the tournament. A valid tournament must have at least one winner.

Each round of the tournament must look as follows.
  • At the beginning of the round, the competitors are divided into rooms. Each room must contain two or more competitors. The competitors in each room must have consecutive numbers.
  • In each room the competitors compete against each other. The best competitor in each room advances and all others drop out of the tournament.
  • After the round, the advancers are assigned new numbers 1 through R, where R is the number of rooms. A contestant with a smaller current number will always get a smaller new number.

For example, if there are N=6 competitors and K=2 rounds, there are 4 valid tournament brackets:

For the leftmost bracket shown above, the tournament would look as follows: In round 1 there would be two rooms: one with competitors {1,2,3,4} and the other with competitors {5,6}. After the round, the advancer from the first room would get a new number 1 and the advancer from the second room would get a new number 2. In round 2 there would be a single room containing those two competitors. The winner of that room would be the only winner of this tournament.

You are given the long N and the int K. Return the number of valid tournament brackets, modulo 1,000,000,007.


(be sure your method is public)



Test cases

  1. input
    • N 6
    • K 2
    Returns 4
    Described in the statement.
  2. input
    • N 8
    • K 3
    Returns 1
    There is only one tournament with 8 competitors and 3 rounds.

  3. input
    • N 10
    • K 2
    Returns 45
    Note that in this test case some valid tournament brackets will have more than one winner.
  4. input
    • N 63
    • K 6
    Returns 0
    At least 64 competitors are required to make a valid tournament bracket with 6 rounds, so the answer is 0.
  5. input
    • N 1000000000000000
    • K 6
    Returns 429388700

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